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Senior Member
What kinda of advertising do you guys invest in I have an ad in the yellow pages but was also thinking of doing a web page. I am a little nervous about the cost so I am wondering if this worth it.


Senior Member
No way to know if a particular form of advertising is going to pay you back for your investment. Best advice I can give is to start with small ads and see if it works.

If I don't know for sure where a particular customer found me, I always make it a point to ask. "Just so I can keep my advertising expenses down, can I ask how you found out about me? If I know which ads work and which don't, I can continue to keep my costs down by not spending money on advertising that doesn't work".

It costs nothing to do this, and is really an eye-opener.

Web pages are getting cheaper & easier by the day. You'd be nuts not to consider yourself a legitimate EC and not have one.


new zealand


we do a bit of advertising, flyers have been our best, followed by weekly newspaper ads. but one thing we do is give every customer a feedback form to fill out if they want. this asks several things like where did they hear about us etc. if you want to see a copy, just pm me and i will email it through.


Senior Member
North New Jersey
I havent had much luck with local papers, Ive spent several thousands for months on end for very little results. I would however highly recommend a 1/2 page ad in the yellow pages. Since it came out Ive gotten many many calls from it. I got a few hits from my add on but nothing like the hard copy yellow pages.
I have had some good luck with door hangers as well. Especially if im working in a nice neighborhood. And they are relitivly cheap and give you good bang for your buck.You can get them from Nebbs. I would also highly recomend you get yourself a lot of buisness cards and make it a point to hand at least one a day. If I see a store that has an obvious electrical issue like parking lot lights that are out or a broken sign or anything ill either introduce myself and give them a card or write them a nice letter introducing myself and tell them that i can help them with their electrical issue . What ever you do you have to be very dilligent about drumming up work. In todays times you really cant sit back and wait for it, you have to go and get it. good luck


Senior Member
If you do any commercial work, try seeing if there is a drywall/ steel stud wholesaler in your area. Go there and ask if you can hang a flyer in the front lobby. I did that years back and was barraged with work for a long time after.


Senior Member
I'd recommend the biggest yellow page ad you can afford. Check the web pages yourself and see if anyone else in your area has a website. The big thing on the web is for your ad to come up first, or within the 1st 3 at least.
Most everyone has a phone book, lot's of people with computers, less people all the time reading the newspaper.
My dad was the most outspoken and demanding person I ever knew. But he did such high quality work that he kept busy, more than busy, by just word of mouth. I could never understand how he could talk to people the way he did and be given the jobs - but he never lacked for work. People fell over themselves to hire him! He refused to cut corners or do cheap work, and he would tell the HO/client that if that was what they wanted they would have to hire someone else.
He beat into my thick skull that always be presentable, never look like a "bum", know what you are doing, and do the best work possible. It worked for me...


Senior Member
As a rule, other than business cards, I do not advertise.

About a year ago, to help a customer start a new business, I bought a business card size ad on placemats that he was putting in a lot of the local resturants in town.

I have been amased at how well that very small investment has paid off.


Senior Member
One warning about door hangers..... check with the city you're wanting to put them in about peddlers licenses. Yea, it's a money-making operation for them (I call it a scam), but you don't want to get into trouble selling door-to-door.
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