Advice for PM interview?

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I've worked in the field for about 10 years doing mostly commercial (some residential) work, and recently got laid off. I'm interviewing with a large commericial contractor tomorrow for a project manager/estimator job. Any advice? I'm not sure what to expect.


Senior Member
Yes, go in with an notebook stuff with business cards (Make it look like your shopping for companies) Have an interview sheet of questions you ask the hiring guys (Send me a PM with your email I could forward you mine if I can find it). DON'T get cornered into giving them a salary request. If they ask "What salary are you looking for" Just tell them you will evaluate your interveiw sheet, compare it to other interviews and get back to them. At all cost don't give them a number. Well thats just my 2 cents.


beegee said:
I've worked in the field for about 10 years doing mostly commercial (some residential) work, and recently got laid off. I'm interviewing with a large commericial contractor tomorrow for a project manager/estimator job. Any advice? I'm not sure what to expect.


Senior Member

I would not follow the advise of ' khixxx' , It won't take long for the interviewer

to see right thru that . You may be just what this company is looking for, be

yourself, tell the truth, I don't need to go any further---


Senior Member
Wilmington, NC
buckofdurham said:
Where a shirt with a collar. Dress like a PM and not a worker.
Smile a lot.
Be a listener. Not a talker.

All good, and...........................................................................................

don't let them see you sweat. :grin:


Senior Member
buckofdurham said:
Where a shirt with a collar. Dress like a PM and not a worker.
Smile a lot.
Be a listener. Not a talker.

Good advice there. Slacks and a tie wouldn't hurt either.


Senior Member
I tried :)

benaround said:

I would not follow the advise of ' khixxx' , It won't take long for the interviewer

to see right thru that . You may be just what this company is looking for, be

yourself, tell the truth, I don't need to go any further---


Senior Member
Raeford, NC
Khixxx first post may be a little over the top IMO
You can not over dress for a interview I would go with no less than a sports coat and tie. Look them in the eye. Ask questions about the company,there history, where do they look to be 5 to 10 years down the road. Make them feel you are interested in the company and its well being and things you can offer to them to reach their goal. But you must also look after your self and your own dont let them beat you down just because you have been laid off.


Senior Member
Hey just wanted to know what was over the top. A PM is a serous position that could be life or death for a company. It has just been my experience that companies mean business. I hate to sound mean but a company doesn't want a loser as a PM or estimator (Please give me a job sniff sniff). Yeah they might know someone is unemployed, but the ball is always in your court. If a guy was in that bad of a position they would get a job as a Journeyman, or helper. Just tell them you want to take your career to the next level. Just picture yourself the owner of a multimillion dollar business. What type of guy would you want in that position. How would he dress, talk, react to situation, work, ect...

As far as not given a salary number up front, I am sure you guys have been pressured before that you really want something and all the sudden you say a number then you get in your car saying shoot I just can't afford to do that shoot shoot shoot.

How did the interview go?

What do you guys thing about calling back the hiring manager 2 days after the interview. What type of questions would you ask? Maybe Do you have any other questions that you want to ask me?

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Senior Member
Wilmington, NC
khixxx said:
Hey just wanted to know what was over the top.
It seemed your advice was a bit arrogant (IMO).
As far as not given a salary number up front, I am sure you guys have been pressured before that you really want something and all the sudden you say a number then you get in your car saying shoot I just can't afford to do that shoot shoot shoot.
I could not agree with this more. You should know what your minimum starting salary needs to be (for the next 12-15 months). I would start at a minimum of 15% higher than that.


Senior Member
Raeford, NC
Hey just wanted to know what was over the top.

All I mean is some times bringing a lot of unnecessary items to a interview is a bad thing. I have interviewed people who have gone a far as bringing military medals to the interview to "show" their bravery, the hole time I know they bought them at a pawn shop. The "if you cant dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS" thing. I will agree that siting down before the interview and making up a short list of important questions to ask them is important because there will always be the one or two questions you will forget due to the pressure of sitting in the interview.


Senior Member
khixxx said:

What do you guys thing about calling back the hiring manager 2 days after the interview. ..........


Not sure if I would call them. That can work well or backfire.

I WOULD write them a thank-you letter and reiterate your interest in the job though. Keep the letter short.


Senior Member
Durham, NC
Well ?

Well ?

Did you hear anything? Will we hear anything?

Did you interview, can we debrief you on the interview? Care to share any insights / observations ?

Besides the crazy times where in right now, the average rule of thumb is 1 month per 10K, so besides you original search to find this company, it might be a long month before you hear anything. Oh wait that for us worker bee's... never mind!

Did you send a thank you note for the interview or call to query if there was any outstanding questions on their part?

Did you mention MH web site ? ? :D


Senior Member
hardworkingstiff said:
All good, and...........................................................................................
don't let them see you sweat. :grin:

Why would you sweat?

Always remember - YOU are in control of the interview, not the employee . . . However, do not be arrogant.

Best Wishes Everyone


Sorry it took a while to respond. Things went well. I wore a shirt and jacket. :) I think it was all good advice....IMO it just depends on the personality of the person giving the interview. I just tried to be myself and be sincere in my answers......without sounding like a pushover. :) And I left the long list of questions at home. :) Anyway, they called back today....I'm going back in for interview #3. This time with the guy who would be my boss and training me in. They're really making me work for this....I think they want to see how bad I want the job.....
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