Advice please :-(

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Okay I just passed my J Man's exam on the 17th of this month. Now the company that I work for is small it is my boss and myself. Well when I got my license I was so excited because that meant more money or so I thought.... Well I haven't gotten a raise or any insurance of any kind what so ever. I asked him about it and he said that things will take some time to change. Now I dont know about what part you guys are from but here in MA my boss is middle of the road he is charging $135 an hour for two men him and me but now that I am licensed I think that I should be making more money at least $20 I mean I am not even making that with no insurance or anything. I have been with him for five years not and I dont want to leave him because I am a loyal worker but I dont know what to do if he is not going to be giving me a raise. Any advice?
dSilanskas said:
I have been with him for five years not and I dont want to leave him because I am a loyal worker but I dont know what to do if he is not going to be giving me a raise. Any advice?

Are you in this business to make money or friends?
I know the company's small, but do you have an employee handbook? Pay scales might be spelled out in there. Lacking any documentation, you're really on your own.
How you handle it depends on you and the relationship the two of you have. If things look like they could improve (more jobs, more help, etc.) then you might like to stick around. But if there's no future for you there other than being the bosses' helper, maybe it's time to start looking for greener pastures.
Suggest to him that it's time he hire two helpers, one for each of you, so there will be two crews instead of one.
You are now in a position to have to make some decisions. Being in Mass, Bob or Peter could probably tell you whether or not your pay scale is close to where it should be.

But... you have options.
Go to work for yourself, not as easy as it sounds.
Ask for the raise to be current, not for the future as he mentioned.
If you ask for the raise again, be prepared to move on to another job. I would first seek out other employers to see what is available before you venture down that road.
just stay put.

I am curious how old are you? Are you married with children? It does make a big difference to know these things.
Pierre C Belarge said:
I am curious how old are you? Are you married with children? It does make a big difference to know these things.

Do you think he should make more money for doing the same job just because he's married? Starting to sound like discrimination...?
stickboy1375 said:
Do you think he should make more money for doing the same job just because he's married? Starting to sound like discrimination...?
It speaks to other matters related to a person's general suitability for additional responsibilities and increased pay.
mdshunk said:
It speaks to other matters related to a person's general suitability for additional responsibilities and increased pay.

So in your opinion, (which I just happen to agree with) you would pay someone that is married more money than a single person?
stickboy1375 said:
Do you think he should make more money for doing the same job just because he's married? Starting to sound like discrimination...?

One should not jump to conclusions here... I believe you are not following my train of thought, so I will explain it.

If he has other responsibilities other than himself, it will kind of limit how he handles the situation.

If he is married with children, it makes the decision a lot harder. Opening a business with young children is not easy, I did it years ago (I started my business right after my first daughter was born) and it adds to the stress.

P.S. I did not mention that he should make more or less money whether he was married or not.

If you want to call that descrimination, than I guess that is descrimination :wink:
I was only looking for opinions, I personally believe someone that is married is more responsible for their actions, but since this thread was about pay scale and you asked if he was married and said it mattered, I was just fishing for opinions on the subject...;)
I have found that guys who are married with children tend to be more responsible when it comes to things like showing up for work, being on time, willingness to work late when needed, etc. :smile:

Single young pups tend to up and leave with little or no notice, since they don't have anyone else to answer to other than themselves. :mad:
IMO posts 6-13 can cross the line on age, marital status discrimination if put to task. Thats like saying "well - you got divorced - gotta give you a pay cut." or "Sorry you old fart - gotta drop your pay... Just not movin' like you used to."

In this day and age many people avoid having children due to their income, and likewise don't get married until much later in life. Or just choose to do neither at all - ever.

Back to the OP; Shop around... What if you get sick, or someday want to retire, buy a house, or just take a vacation.
kbsparky said:
I have found that guys who are married with children tend to be more responsible when it comes to things like showing up for work, being on time, willingness to work late when needed, etc. :smile:

Single young pups tend to up and leave with little or no notice, since they don't have anyone else to answer to other than themselves. :mad:

ive seen it go both ways,one of our best jw is 30 never been married but good, but i do agree with pierre, if you have a wife and kids it makes things alot harder to walk off a job.
dSilanskas said:
I live with my gf and its not like I dont have bills I mean come on now throw a dog a bone here ya know!

We are throwing you a bone, a tasty one at that. :wink:

We are all discussing this. From discussions will come ideas that you choose to use or discard, that is your choice.
We are not saying you do not have bills since you have no children. We are just saying that your options are somewhat easier when you do not have those responsiblities. Trust me, one day if you should choose to have children you will look back and understand what I am trying to say.
Pierre C Belarge said:
Trust me, one day if you should choose to have children you will look back and understand what I am trying to say.
thats the truth;) but back to the op sonds to me like you should check out other avenues.
Consider opening your own business. What made it easy for me to open mine was i had a lot of past "big" clients that i had became friends with and i got work from them, and they owned stores so they started spreading business cards around, and pretty soon the chain started to grow and i was off like a rocket
Advice please

Advice please

You have gotten some good advice from the forum. I personally think that none of us know enough about you, your work habits, your electrical ability to get work done, your relation ship with your boss, and so on. I new a Electrical Inspector that retired and went into business for himself and couldn't do the work. He was a GREAT Inspector but had no field experience. Just because you have your license it doesn't make you worth more money. I suggest you have a man to man talk with your boss and be prepared to move on. As someone suggested I think your boss needs to hire two helper for each of you if you can do the work of a license electrician. If he doesn't you will just be a helper as long as you stay with him. I do think you probably know your business and he will be the looser if you decide to move on. Good Luck, Semper Fi Buddy
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