Been looking at a variety of sources regarding groudning, bonding, fault curernt path.
Last night saw an instrument manufactures descripton which continues to frustrate me in the way in which "ground fault" misinformation is out there. 2:30 mark. of
Any such agreeement on this misinfomration presented? I liked some of the information as presented such a ground resistance changing based on soil material and climatic conditions. But the misrepresentation of ground fault current "leaving the ground" rod is subject to review.
Last night saw an instrument manufactures descripton which continues to frustrate me in the way in which "ground fault" misinformation is out there. 2:30 mark. of
Any such agreeement on this misinfomration presented? I liked some of the information as presented such a ground resistance changing based on soil material and climatic conditions. But the misrepresentation of ground fault current "leaving the ground" rod is subject to review.