AFCI Breakers

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West Melbourne, FL
Florida Certified Electrical Contractor
A lot of us have problems with ACFI breakers. I think it would be helpful if we could create an ongoing list of AFCI manufacturers and the problems that we have had with their breakers.
A lot of us have problems with ACFI breakers. I think it would be helpful if we could create an ongoing list of AFCI manufacturers and the problems that we have had with their breakers.
Well.......... The trouble I have had with Sq D and C-H is they did their job. Knock on wood every one that I have had tripping I found a ligament reason.... ground touching neutral on receptacle, crappie vacuum cleaner.
A lot of us have problems with ACFI breakers. I think it would be helpful if we could create an ongoing list of AFCI manufacturers and the problems that we have had with their breakers.

I agree and have even removed some AFCI breakers in my own house due to random, nuisance tripping. I've tried contacting the MFGR's, Square D and Cutler Hammer and found them to be very unreceptive to nuisance tripping issues. Unfortunately, I stocked up on large quantities of CH and QO's when we were first required to start using them and now I'm hearing that the first generation versions of these are more trouble prone than the newer ones. Lucky me. You'd think the MFGR's would swap out the older ones for the newer ones as a good faith measure but they just don't seem to want to go there. This whole concept is over rated IMHO and it was brought on by big money lobbyists that are laughing all the way to the bank. And now they are going to require them in kitchens and laundry rooms in the 2014? Great......that will be another reason to hate them.
If you are having a nuisance tripping issues with an AFCI breaker report it HERE.

The link is to A website run by NEMA in conjunction with the AFCI manufactures. The site uses the reports to determine if there is an issue that needs to be addressed in the computer algorithm used to monitor the sine wave.

The manufactures are always updating their algorithms to help eliminate false tripping due to RF issues.

If you are having a nuisance tripping issues with an AFCI breaker report it HERE.

The link is to A website run by NEMA in conjunction with the AFCI manufactures. The site uses the reports to determine if there is an issue that needs to be addressed in the computer algorithm used to monitor the sine wave.

The manufactures are always updating their algorithms to help eliminate false tripping due to RF issues.


Do any of them give you updated versions for free? My guess is no, not even for a fairly new unit.
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