Afci for feeders

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Can someone please provide me with a real world scenario where you would use an afci breaker for feeders?
I don't know of any afci breakers that are large enough to be a feeder so there probably isn't any real life scenario.

I guess if you ran a 20 amp 240v feeder to a small panel and had a few afci breakers in there then you can save on the number of arc faults breakers
..real world scenario where you would use an afci breaker for feeders?

If you consider the MWBC a feeder, 2-Pole AFCI's for outlet replacements in existing homes may be an excellent barrier against unqualified jokers sticking their fingers where they don't belong, in your clients electrical.
If you consider the MWBC a feeder, 2-Pole AFCI's for outlet replacements in existing homes may be an excellent barrier against unqualified jokers sticking their fingers where they don't belong, in your clients electrical.
That don't stop them, it just makes them call you after they can't figure it out.

I have had many cases of MWBC's (older ones that rules are different for now) where they don't break receptacle tabs off when they change receptacles and they can't figure out what they did wrong.

Just had a call last week where a guy tried to replace a three way switch with a single pole switch. More leads then we have terminals - lets land the red one on the green screw with the bare wire. Called me and thought maybe his the real problem was his breakers were @#$% quality.

This all before getting into the complexities an AFCI can introduce for non professionals.
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