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Which electrical device (GFCI or AFCI) is more effective to use in the house in protection in according to 2017 NEC, house electrical safety equipment?

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Since you profile indicates "student", most Forum members prefer you state your answer to the question and how/why you answered that way.
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AFCI- in article 210.12 Arch-Fault-Circuit- Interrupter protection shall be provided as required 210.12 (A),(B),(C) and (D) and shall be installed in a readily accessible location.
GFCI- Ground-Fault-Circuit-Interrupter protection for personnel shall be provided in article 210.8(A)through (E) and shall be installed in a readily accessible location.
AFCI- in article 210.12 Arch-Fault-Circuit- Interrupter protection shall be provided as required 210.12 (A),(B),(C) and (D) and shall be installed in a readily accessible location.
GFCI- Ground-Fault-Circuit-Interrupter protection for personnel shall be provided in article 210.8(A)through (E) and shall be installed in a readily accessible location.
How do either of these statements show which is more “effective” per your OP?
I can't believe this would be a question that would be asked for a student to answer.

AFCI and GFCI are two different things designed to do perform two different functions. Sure there are some similarities and that does confuse some people, but read up on what they are and what each was intended to do.
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