AFCI protection for receptacle replacements in guest rooms

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Senior Member
If I am replacing grounded receptacles in guest rooms, am I correct is saying that they do not have to be AFCI receptacles? 406.4(D)(4) only references receptacle replacements in the locations listed in 210.12(A) and (B). AFCI protection for guest rooms is in 210.12(C).
210.17 would lead me to believe afc was required.
We will see what others say.
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My opinion is that AFCI is not required in this instance. The difference is that 210 talks about new construction and 406.4(D) talks about replacements in existing facilities. It appears to me that the CMP is requiring replacements to meet current requirements in dwelling units and dormitory units, but not in guest rooms. This might be a simple oversight on their part. 210.12(C) is new for 2017, and perhaps the CMP responsible for 406 didn't pick up on that change. But the words, as written, don't appear to me to require AFCI protection for replacement outlets in guest rooms.
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