AFCI protection single family dwelling

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Fort Lupton, Colorado
Journeyman Electrician
Purchased my new 2020 NEC code book and a 2020 NEC handbook. Came across 210.12 in both books and one states that all 15-20 amp 125v outlets in the dwelling units are required to be AFCI protected- this was the handbook. The regular code book states all 15-20 amp outlets in the defined areas are to be AFCI protected! Which one is correct? I know we have had defined areas in the code for many cycles that require AFCI protection, but is the 2020 going to all 15-20 amp outlets covered by an AFCI or did I just get a book that has a misprint?
Welcome... The handbook is not code so the nec is correct. My guess is in a rush to get out the handbook they forgot to make the change. At one point it was supposed to be all rooms however when the nec came it it stayed with certain rooms exempt. It seems like it should say all rooms except the bathrooms.
I have read that the handbook is wrong, don't know if it got corrected in later revisions or not.

I think it was anticipated and even in first draft of 2020 that this is how it was going to be, then got changed before final copy was released. Handbook maybe was already in process of being put together and they missed this late change and never got their changes right.

Add: please note the handbook commentary is not an official interpretation of NFPA views, but rather the opinions of those that authored it.
Wonder how many books are like this then? Generally in past experiences, the hand book part that is just like the code book reads the same, it just has more explainitory material than the regular code book which generally isn’t enforceable. Will stink for some who have the handbook as their only source. Thanks for your replies!!
You need to check the handbook erratas.... Handbook_2020_Article_210.12(A).pdf

Errata Page 80, Code section 210.12(A) Replace text: (A) Dwelling Units. All 120-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20-ampere branch circuits supplying outlets or devices installed in dwelling units shall be protected by any of the means described in 210.12(A)(1) through (A)(6): With the following text: (A) Dwelling Units. All 120-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20-ampere branch circuits supplying outlets or devices installed in dwelling unit kitchens, family rooms, dining rooms, living rooms, parlors, libraries, dens, bedrooms, sunrooms, recreation rooms, closets, hallways, laundry areas, or similar rooms or areas shall be protected by any of the means described in 210.12(A)(1) through (6):

Taken from this page of NFPA
I have read that the handbook is wrong, don't know if it got corrected in later revisions or not.

I think it was anticipated and even in first draft of 2020 that this is how it was going to be, then got changed before final copy was released. Handbook maybe was already in process of being put together and they missed this late change and never got their changes right.

Add: please note the handbook commentary is not an official interpretation of NFPA views, but rather the opinions of those that authored it.
Regular code book has had errors in the past as well - need to check errata information like Dennis mentioned. If you have an early published copy of a particular version, it will have more errors than later produced copies. A lot of errors in those early copies often are minor and might just be spelling or punctuation errors, or something completely left out unintentionally.

Is possible later published editions of the handbook have been corrected.
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