AFCI protection

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New User
Houston Tx
Question concerning 210.12(D)
The AHJ in my area requires circuits on older homes to be AFCI protected if we are redevicing the home(new outlets and switches) Is this a good interpretation of the NEC. My understanding from 210.12 is if the circuit is extended at all Afci protection is required, with the exception of the 6ft rule. Can you interpret 210.12D to include just changing an outlet on that circuit, or even all outlets on that circuit?
It isn't directly required by 210.12. But 406.4(D)(4) does require it for replacement receptacles. This be the place where majority of those "AFCI receptacles" are acceptable to use. New construction/new branch circuit the general rule is you need the protection for the entire branch circuit so an AFCI breaker is usually how that is done.
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