we are still using the 2008 code in pa. if you run a new circuit from the panel to the bed rooms for lighting or recpes . the wires will be fished as the walls would not be opened up as you do when remolding must you use a afci .receptacle or circuit breaker to protect this circuit
remolding must you use a afci .receptacle or circuit breaker to protect this circuit
I would hope you would do this alteration in compliance with the NEC. If your asking is it required than, NO.
PA. uniform Construction Code
§ 403.1. Scope.
(1) The Uniform Construction Code applies to the construction, alteration, repair, movement, equipment, removal, demolition, location, maintenance, occupancy or change of occupancy of every building or structure which occurs on or after April 9, 2004, and all existing structures that are not legally occupied.
(b) Exclusions and exemptions. The Uniform Construction Code does not apply to:
(8) Alterations to residential buildings which do not make structural changes or changes to means of egress, except as required by ordinances in effect under sections 303(b)(1) or 503 of the act (35 P. S. § § 7210.303(b)(1) and 7210.503). Under this subsection, a structural change does not include a minor framing change needed to replace existing windows or doors.
(9) Repairs to residential buildings, except as required by ordinances in effect under sections 303(b)(1) and 503 of the act.
§ 7210.103. Definitions
“Residential building.” Detached one-family and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings which are not more than three stories in height with a separate means of egress which includes accessory structures.