AFCI required

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210.12 AFCI says ALL 120v 15-20 branch circuits supplying kitchens, family, etc etc. Does this mean a AFCI would also need to protect disposal, dishwasher, refridge, any appliance in these areas or basically any other listed.... This will be my last post for Tonight. Thanks GUYS
210.12 AFCI says ALL 120v 15-20 branch circuits supplying kitchens, family, etc etc. Does this mean a AFCI would also need to protect disposal, dishwasher, refridge, any appliance in these areas or basically any other listed.... This will be my last post for Tonight. Thanks GUYS

Also note that the lighting circuit needs AFCI, and, and this if new to the 2014, any switches installed in the Kitchen, etc., on 15 or 20 amp 120 Volt branch circuits, has to be AFCI protected.

This is the Dark Horse, in that occasionally, one will have an odd circuit show up in the switch bank by the back door. . . New to 2014 NEC, the switch must be AFCI protected, in addition to the Outlet.
If you happen to be from NJ, then the only afci needed in the kitchen is the lights. For whatever reason, we have not adopted that part of the code.
If you happen to be from NJ, then the only afci needed in the kitchen is the lights. For whatever reason, we have not adopted that part of the code.

It's not required for lighting either in New Jersey. From the NJ amendments:

iii. In Section 210.12(A), entitled "Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection. Dwelling Units,"
"kitchens" and "laundry areas" shall be deleted.
210.12 AFCI says ALL 120v 15-20 branch circuits supplying kitchens, family, etc etc. Does this mean a AFCI would also need to protect disposal, dishwasher, refridge, any appliance in these areas

The answer depends on the code version you are using. Here in Florida we are using 2011. NEC 210.12 does not list kitchens nor do I think a kitchen is a "similar area" to the ones listed. Therefore (if my reading is correct) the answer is no.
210.12 AFCI says ALL 120v 15-20 branch circuits supplying kitchens, family, etc etc. Does this mean a AFCI would also need to protect disposal, dishwasher, refridge, any appliance in these areas or basically any other listed.... This will be my last post for Tonight. Thanks GUYS
Bolded text is the key, and always has been. Main changes over the years is which rooms it applied to. 2014 NEC added the kitchen.
im sorry, im in amateur hour, what is the nj amendments?

Before New Jersey adopts the latest version of the NEC they go through it and make changes that are called amendments. One that's mentioned in this thread is the deletion of the requirement to require AFCI protection for kitchens and bathrooms. They can be viewed here:


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