outlets required/permitted on particular branch circuits is completely separate requirement from what requires AFCI protection.
You need to consider those things separately, first determine what you can or must put on an particular circuit then based on what areas are served determine if you also must provide AFCI protection.
A living room general purpose circuit for example has no restrictions on supplying outlets in a bedroom or even outside outlets. The bedroom is one those rooms that requires AFCI just like the living room. The outdoor outlets do not require AFCI, however if they are on with something inside that does- they inherently are going to end up AFCI protected anyway.
A circuit supplying outlets not requiring AFCI but having a switch in an area that does require AFCI however (in more recent editions of NEC) must still have AFCI protection. One example would be an exterior light on circuit that only supplies exterior lights, maybe garage lights or other non AFCI areas but has a switch in a living room would require AFCI because of that switch location.