Senior Member
The problem isn't new properly wired homes with new listed appliances - they don't need AFCI. The problem is 100yr old do it yourselfer basket case homes with grandma using a 60yr old sparky vacuum cleaner and an 18AWG extension cord from the kitchen to her 30yr old electric blanket.
A suggestion: After a fire, neighbors and churches will often raise money to help the family. How about being proactive? Raise some money before the fire, have your local electricians go out and inspect these older homes and give an estimate, and then use the funds raised, and some competent volunteer help to pay for the upgrades?
The electricians can write off on their taxes for reduced labor rates. The suppliers can do likewise. The increased business more than offsets.
Further, you can offer trade ins - old appliances for new less sparky ones.
It would probably cost less and save more than making everyone use the latest & greatest widget.
A suggestion: After a fire, neighbors and churches will often raise money to help the family. How about being proactive? Raise some money before the fire, have your local electricians go out and inspect these older homes and give an estimate, and then use the funds raised, and some competent volunteer help to pay for the upgrades?
The electricians can write off on their taxes for reduced labor rates. The suppliers can do likewise. The increased business more than offsets.
Further, you can offer trade ins - old appliances for new less sparky ones.
It would probably cost less and save more than making everyone use the latest & greatest widget.