After GFI: connect Neutral to GND on ungrounded circuit ?

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Senior Member
Rochester NY
Listening to home DIY advice show on a local radio station this Sunday morning. (Rochester NY - 2008 code IIRC)

The guest electrician takes a call about installing a GFI on a two wire (ungrounded) circuit. At first he says that the GFI will generate a ground. Then he says that the circuit, after the GFI, feeding an outlet recept. that has a ground hole, you are permitted to connect the neutral to the ground terminal on the recept.. That this is the only case where this is allowed.

No mention of placing a sticker on the downstream indicating that it is ungrounded, or fed from a GFI.

Right or wrong ? I was under the impression that it was NEVER ok to jumper the ground to the neutral there. Is there an exception for GFI's?
I can not substantiate that by Code.
No such connection is allowed in 406.3, 250.24 or 250.142
Down stream GFCI wired in an unfrounded system will not trip because you replace a downstream two outlet with a three prong and tie the ground and Nuetral teminals together. The GFCI will never know this condition and cannot trip because of this.
GFCIs cannot 'create' a ground.

If they are installed in an ungrounded circuit per 406.3(D), and there is a grounding conductor present but it is not grounded, then it is not be connected. - 406.3(D)(b).
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