Age Old Question - Splices in conduit bodies

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I am an HVAC technician(15 yearss experience) who is familiar with the NEC specifically related to HVAC equipment installations. I have been taught, and the NEC dictates this in most cases that I am aware of, that conduit bodiess are purpossed for wwire pulling and not splicedd connections. However, I run into situations where a feed to for example, a rooftop package heating and cooling unit has a splice at the end of the run in a conduit body connected to MC run through the roof and to an equipment disconnect. I just failed an inspection on an install of a 5 ton condensing unit on a roof wherein we did not insstall new electric but switched out old equipment for new. The 2" metal conduit alreeady in place ended on the roof at an LB and the old unit's wiring went from a disconnect into the LB and spliced inside it. The new equipment was installed, new disconnect attached to it and flexible condduit run to the LB and wires spliced inside. The inspector failed it based on that splice. Technically correct, but I am always a bit mystified on being failed on pre existing wiring. I expected he would fail or pass only based on the neww equipment and not existing wiring. My question is, is this something an EI will generally always fail in your experience or will some allow that splice since it is connectedd to existing wiring/conduit body? If it is an abssolute that it cannot be spliced in the pre existing LB, can the LB simply be switched out for a def purpose splice box attached to the end of the conduit where it comes through the roof? Not sure how to correct this other than removing all old #6 from condit back to panel and pulling new runs of #6. Thanks.
See 314.16(C)(2), the inspector may or may not be correct.

See 314.16(C)(2), the inspector may or may not be correct.


Thanks for the reply Roger. I am aware of 314.16. I also understand a splice = 2 wires for box fill calcs. I suppose one could say then I have answerred my own question. For one, I know with the splice this LB is not going to comply with fill requirements. 2 #6 conductors and a #10 ground iss going to be over when doubled. I understand that. I was hoping the inspector would pass based on the fact this was a retrofit of HVAC equipment and it was pre existing wiring. We merely tied back into what was already there. In my mind, if an inspector will gig me on that, then nothing else in the electric supply to the unit would be offf limits for failing either, including the panel which is an old ITE panel but it has a few SD Homeline breakers in it which we didn't put it in but nonetheless. I can't claim ignorance of the specific code in this case, but where is the line drawn on failing an HVAC install based on a pre existing circuit? The unit we removed was installed in 1970 and so was the wiring and metal conduit running to it. Where do required changes to pre existing wiring begin and end??
Even if the splice was existing, it was probably never code compliant. Existing that was compliant at the time of installation should be grandfathered and not cited as a violation. Existing that was never compliant, is subject to a violation notice.
I'm sure this entire building has many instances of that exact issue. 9 times out of 10 we are faced with a service disconnect replacement only when it comes to HVAC equipment replacement of similar specifications and rarely run into one with an LB at the end of the run on roof units anyway. I know the bottom line is something needs to be done to rectify the problem I am just wondering whether it is pull new wire or switch the LB out with a rated box that the splice can be made in and abide by the code. Fill total = 2 #6 and 1 #10 grounding conductor. I have called this particular inspector twice before he's out for his work day and no answer and no return call. Generally with the inspectors I deal with where I am located, they aren't difficult to deal with on equipment retrofits short of something being a blatant safety issue with existing wiring. A lot of this old stuff is non compliant and they don't tend to ding you on it so long as you didn't add to it or alter it in any way. Some times they do, but not that often. This is the first failed inspection I have had in a good while and I just did not expect it on an equipment switch out for something like a splice at the very last conduit body on the run. If it can be rectified by simply switching out thee LB with a rated box to make the splice in then of course I probably should have done that to begin with so it's on me. Just not been an issue before with this guy. I want to get some clarification on what he will accept whether that be a box in place of the LB that I can make the splice in or having to pull all new wire.
Even if the splice was existing, it was probably never code compliant. Existing that was compliant at the time of installation should be grandfathered and not cited as a violation. Existing that was never compliant, is subject to a violation notice.

I go along with that.
~ ~ : ~ ~ : ~ ~


I concur with the other esteemed Forum members,
...a correctly sized junction box would be the most

If you're going to get another inspection from the
original Inspector, be sure to have the compliant,
and applicable Articles ready to cite for the install
of an adequately sized junction box, ...if necessary.

~ ~ : ~ ~ : ~ ~
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