AL/Cu change

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Senior Member
Was wondering what the going rate (wrong terminology) ....what contractors are charging to do a whole house device change over ,i.e., replaceing existing switches and recept's with Al rated device? Per outlet? Whole house price? I've done a few of these and I probably averaged twelve to sixteen dollars a device,
I'm reading a home inspectors report that was handed to me and one paragraph states...."Engage a licensed electrician to inspect now, and then annually,the solid conductor aluminum branch circuit wiring to reduce the potential of fire and personal injury".
Seems a little vague, I've seen plenty of reports that asked for devices changed and/or AL/Cu wire splices.
Sounds like he is leaving it to the electrician to be the bearer of bad news and reccomend a change over. Thanks
ashtrak said:
Was wondering what the going rate (wrong terminology) ....what contractors are charging to do a whole house device change over ,i.e., replaceing existing switches and recept's with Al rated device? Per outlet? Whole house price? I've done a few of these and I probably averaged twelve to sixteen dollars a device,
I'm reading a home inspectors report that was handed to me and one paragraph states...."Engage a licensed electrician to inspect now, and then annually,the solid conductor aluminum branch circuit wiring to reduce the potential of fire and personal injury".
Seems a little vague, I've seen plenty of reports that asked for devices changed and/or AL/Cu wire splices.
Sounds like he is leaving it to the electrician to be the bearer of bad news and reccomend a change over. Thanks

The going rate is your break-even cost plus how much profit you need to make.

Why not just say hire? "hire a licensed electrician. . . " I like when they use fancy words. :) Anyway, maybe this is a good time to try and sell them arc-fault breakers? You and I know joe homeowner isn't going to pay you to come back every year and inspect the wiring.
There was very little aluminium branch circuit wiring installed in my area, but I seem to get a disproportionate number of these jobs. I price them just like a total rewire. That gives me the cushion I need to approach each device box on a case-by-case basis. Some circuits can be rewired completely with copper, some sections of circuits can be rewired with copper, some devices and fixtures can be pigtailed, and some might be better served with coalr devices.
I can't tell you what you should charge for replacing devices, but please let me make a few suggestions:

1. I recommend not replacing devices, I've read somewhere that it is not any more effective than regular devices. I know I'll catch a lot of heat for that one, but I know that I've read it. by replacing the devices, you still have the condition of aluminum to copper conductors at the light fixtures and hardwired equipment. And now you will be responsible for the whole home.

2. If you do decide to replace devices, get a torque (ing) screwdriver. Improper torque is a major cause of the termination failures.

3. For an added level of safety, recommend installing AFCI breakers on all of the circuits. I'll hear about it for this one also, but if they are willing to have an electrician come and inspect every year, they will probably pay for the AFCI breakers. It may not detect every problem, but it helps mitigate the fire danger a little.

I would try to explain the the H/O that their money would be better spent by using the cop/alum crimp. If you are not trained in this method, try to find someone that is. It may cost more in the short run, but it will give them a better repair to the problem, and they won't have to have an electrician back to "inspect" every year or so. Just food for thought, but what would happen if a connection on a Al/Cu device loosened one week before an annual inspection?

Doing what is right for the customer is not always easy, sometimes it means giving work to a qualifed company, but it is the right repair.
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