AL to CU

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Charlie Bob

Senior Member
West Tennessee
I've Always used Aluminum/Copper split bolt connectors.
But the other day i put my self in a bind by not checking my supplies in my truck before a job.
We were upgrading a service.Thought over head wire from Trans. were copper, not they were aluminum. We were 30 miles to closest supply store.
I used regular copper (or whatever they are made of)split bolts.
I put a whole lot of an antioxidant grease that i carry in my truck, for copper to aluminum connections.

-Has anyone done that before?
-Do you trust that antioxidant?
-Do you evenl use it if using aproved AL/CU split bolts?

you might want to replace them. A coworker of mine did that once and had to go back and repair the terminations, which had oxidized so badly they were turned to dust.
Anti oxidant is for prevention of oxidation. Mixing different metals is a different problem and anti oxidant does not do much to prevent problems from happening with that practice. That problem is galvanic action.

From Ideal- makers of NoAlox-
Anti-oxidant and anti-seizing compound
Reduces galling and seizing on aluminum conduit joints
Suspended zinc particles penetrate and cut aluminum oxide
Carrier material excludes air to prevent further oxidation
Improves service life of aluminum electrical applications
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