Aldi Grocery store

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My question is, Can a 300 KVA trans be installed in the stock room of a grocery store. Code states that over a 112.5 has to be in a transformer room built of fire resistant construction (1 hr rating )
What is considered a Transformer Room ?
(B) Over 1121⁄2 kVA.
Individual dry-type transformers of
more than 1121⁄2 kVA rating shall be installed in a transformer
room of fire-resistant construction. Unless specified
otherwise in this article, the term fire resistant means a
construction having a minimum fire rating of 1 hour.

Exception No. 2: Transformers with Class 155 or higher
insulation systems and completely enclosed except for ventilating

This exception has been used by many designers to handle the issue.

(B) Over 1121⁄2 kVA.
Individual dry-type transformers of
more than 1121⁄2 kVA rating shall be installed in a transformer
room of fire-resistant construction. Unless specified
otherwise in this article, the term fire resistant means a
construction having a minimum fire rating of 1 hour.

Exception No. 2: Transformers with Class 155 or higher
insulation systems and completely enclosed except for ventilating

This exception has been used by many designers to handle the issue.


Good call, current industry standards for this size xfmr is a 220deg C insulation system. Not an issue.
In the employees breakroom in one of our aircraft hangars is a 750kva dry type tranformer. It sits right in the middle of the breakroom and is only enclosed by some old sheet metal. The top half is all vented to the break room. Everytime I walk in there doing other inspections, it just don't look good.

In the employees breakroom in one of our aircraft hangars is a 750kva dry type tranformer. It sits right in the middle of the breakroom and is only enclosed by some old sheet metal. The top half is all vented to the break room. Everytime I walk in there doing other inspections, it just don't look good.


Just call it an oversized space heater.:D
My question is, Can a 300 KVA trans be installed in the stock room of a grocery store. Code states that over a 112.5 has to be in a transformer room built of fire resistant construction (1 hr rating )
What is considered a Transformer Room ?

Here's what one of the board manufactures describes as 1 hour rated! (I wanted to say assembly).


You can see more "gypsum 1 hour fire rating"
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