Allowable distance from window to meter and riser

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Senior Member
Suffolk, Long Island
How close can you be to the meter and riser?

1) I know there is a 3ft rule from a window to open conductors, but is there a rule for the meter and riser?.

2) Is the seu considered open conductors?

Assume this is a service with the 10ft emt riser and seu attached to house to weather-head, and has disconnect breaker on exterior as well, below meter.

Thanks guys.
No requirement for meter placement in the NEC... POCO may have their own requirements.

SEU is not considered open conductors.

Why would you have a 10' EMT riser and also SEU attached to house? ...or do you mean you're running SEU up through the EMT riser? If the latter, how are you going to terminate the SEU (i.e. the cable, not the conductors)?
No requirement for meter placement in the NEC... POCO may have their own requirements.

SEU is not considered open conductors.

Why would you have a 10' EMT riser and also SEU attached to house? ...or do you mean you're running SEU up through the EMT riser? If the latter, how are you going to terminate the SEU (i.e. the cable, not the conductors)?

Maybe has EMT riser, meter/meter-main, then SE cable run on surface before entering the building.

Otherwise, yes, cable assemblies are not "open conductors" unless you have removed the outer sheath - like at/near point of attachment to overhead wiring method.
Thanks guys. Cable is running through riser as it exits meter pan and goes up. Exits emt and is strapped to house to weather-head. Then conductors are open. Hope that clears things up. I appreciate the help guys.
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Thanks guys. Cable is running through riser as it exits meter pan and goes up. Exits emt and is strapped to house to weather-head. Then conductors are open. Hope that clears things up. I appreciate the help guys.
Assuming EMT is connected to meter pan, you have to comply with 230.54(G) "Arranged That Water Will Not Enter Service Raceway or Equipment."
Thanks guys. Cable is running through riser as it exits meter pan and goes up. Exits emt and is strapped to house to weather-head. Then conductors are open. Hope that clears things up. I appreciate the help guys.

I can understand using EMT as extra physical protection, but how do you transition from EMT to exposed SE cable and maintain a rain tight EMT raceway? And why not just run EMT all the way to weatherhead and run individual conductors inside?
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