Almond vs Light Almond

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A/A Fuel GTX

Senior Member
I've got a bunch of Leviton Decora switches in the Almond color. I've got a bunch of P&S Decora Plates in the Light Almond color. Has anyone ever combined the two colors? I know there is a subtle difference and I've never seen the combination deployed in a whole house trim out. It's hard to tell how it would look laying on the bench.
I wouldnt do it, the color is noticeably different, and Leviton are glossy vs. Pass and Seymour being more like a mat finish. I like Pass and Seymour colors better, but I would buy new cover plates that match and use them up.
Almond never caught on in my area, thankfully. But yes, there is a substantial difference between the different brands. You have to keep it all the same.
I had a customer have me install brown recpt. with ivory covers. Looked like crap but she loved it. The only thing I liked about it was when she handed me the check:grin:
How about trimming out 1 room in almond and the next room in light almond. As long as there was a door between the two I'll bet no one would ever notice, until you get that one crazy customer that freaks out and acts like the world is coming to an end, what are the chances, 1 in 10 .:grin:
Levitton almond and anyone else's almond or light almond are completely different colors and you'll see the difference when they're up on the wall. From my experience the P&S and Lutron light almond devices match most of the tile and granite kitchen colors that are being produced today. The Levitton almond seems to be a more creamier and glossy color (as has been mentioned) and doesn't seem to match anything.

Just my 2 cents worth.
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