On AWinston post of 11-04-15, 02:41 PM it is mentioned as following:
“#8 three conductor wire (DC resistance(R) = 0.647 ohm/km, Inductive Reactance = 0.2635 ohm/km, Capacitive Reactance = 9815 ohm/km)”
It seems to me it is extracted from the table MV-90 5 kV Three conductors, 90°C
100% Insulation Level on page 27. In my opinion, all data included in this table are wrong(!!!).
For instance: conductor diameter 134 mm[134/25.4=5.28 inches!!] but cross section area 0.0130 mm^2[!?].
The table on page 26 data it seems to me close to reality.
So R=2.12 ohm/km [2.12*.3048=0.646 ohm/1000 ft.] at 20oC.
XL=0.1638 ohm/km [0.1638*.3048=0.0499 ohm/1000 ft.]
According to Neher&McGrath R=1.02*roc/CI [10] where roc=10.371 circular mils. ohm/foot at 20oC [Table I].
R=1.02*10.371/16.51/10^6*10^3=0.641/10^3 ohm/ft.[0.641 ohm/1000 ft.].
[UL1072 Table 6.1 #8 =16.51*10^3 circ. mils].
Maximum permissible resistance UL1072 Tab.7.1 R20oC=0.652 ohm/1000 ft.
Neglecting skin and proximity effect Rdc=Rac at 90oC R90oC=0.652*(234.5+90)/(234.5+20)=0.831 ohm/1000 ft.
UL1072 Table 8.2-8.5 for #8 conductor diameter could be from 3.38 to 3.71 mm.
Insulated core for 5 kV [90 mils ins.thick.=2.29 mm] could be 3.71+2.1*2.29+1=9.5 mm and the diameter over the shield could be 9.5+4*.15=10.1 mm. So the distance between conductor center lines could be 10-11 mm.
XL=2*pi()*f[K+0.2*ln(2*s/dc)]*10^-3 ohm/km See[for instance]:
For 7 wires conductor K=0.0642 ; s=11;dc=3.38 [minimum conductor diameter for maximum XL]
XL=2*pi()*60*(0.0642+0.2*ln(2*11/3.38))/10^3=0.1654 ohm/km
So R=0.831/.3048=2.726 ohm/km XL=0.1654 ohm/km
VD=sqrt(3)*(2.726*0.85+0.1654*sqrt(1-0.85^2))*41.5*1700/1000*.3048=89.54 V