Aluminum Wire Service Upgrade

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Senior Member
This house has aluminum wiring and since we have to install devices rated for aluminum wire (or mitigate), when we do an upgrade on the service, is there such a thing as aluminum rated breakers? Let me know because it could add to the costs, and would be embarrassing if there was such a common practice.
Most breaker lugs are rated Al/Cu (not to be confused with CO/ALR). But there are a lot of different manufacturers and models. . . . look up the breakers that you are working with.
This house has aluminum wiring and since we have to install devices rated for aluminum wire (or mitigate), when we do an upgrade on the service, is there such a thing as aluminum rated breakers? Let me know because it could add to the costs, and would be embarrassing if there was such a common practice.

Its rare to see a breaker that is not dual rated
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