Ambient Temp corrections

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knot stable

Can anyone lead me to information on using these tables. I need to run some pipe on a roof top here in Rhode Island and I would like to get this correct. It's something new to me and I want to learn this.
Thanks, Dave:?
Look at Table 310.15(B)(3)(c)--- Let's say the ambient temperature in Rhode Island is 100? F --- Now suppose your conduit is run 31/2" to 12" above the roof deck. In the table that would correspond to 30? F . So you have 100? and now you must add 30? to this and get 130?

Now you go to Table 310.15(B)(2)(a) and Look for 130? under the wire temp. rating-- I assume 90C so then the corresponding correction factor would be .76. What this means is that a wire rated 100 amps must now be multiplied by .76 and the ampacity of the conductor is only 76 amps
I want to add that I believe art. 310.15(A)(2) exception should come into play. What this means if ou have a 100' run of conduit and only 10' is outside-- (10%) then there is no need to add that 30? to the ambient temp. I wonder how others see this. I also want to say if there is more than 10' outside it does not matter how long the run inside is because the correction must be figured in.
Thanks Dennis, That makes sense. When would you use the "adders"?

Suppose you have a run of 100' to a rooftop and then have to pipe 20' across the roof to a roof top unit. Now you are beyond the 10' as well as the 10% so the entire run would have to be based on the table for raceways in sunlight
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