Ambient temperature compensation

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Senior Member
Pennsville, N.J.
Re: Ambient temperature compensation

rbb, asked the question, "How do you apply ambient temperature compensation to Table 310.15(B)(6).
The Moderator Charlie b's answer was, "You don"t.

My question to Charlie b is, "Why don't we use the temperature compensation for the Table 310.15(B)(6)".

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Ambient temperature compensation

The simple answer is that the book does not tell you to compensate the service or feeder ampacities for temperature. But I think the real reason is that the table is not a table of ampacities. It says that for a 100 amp service, you can use a #4 copper. It does not say that a #4 is good for an ampacity of 100 amps under a given ambient temperature and a given installation method (e.g., underground versus overhead). Also, there is no question of de-rating for having more than 3 current-carrying conductors in a raceway, since the table is limited to 3-wire systems.
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