Amprobe DM2 volts and amps.

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My company uses a Amprobe DM2 device to study the efficiancy and operation of our equipment. This device gives data in tabular and graph form. Depending on the day I can take a reading on the same machine and our volts and amps on one day show a regular pattern (Volts go up, amps go down) Two days later on the same machine it is not the same (Amps go up and 3 seconds later Volts follow and match the climb in amps). At times the volts and amps act together, both going up or down. This happens with any machine in the plant. Is there something wrong with the amprobe?

brian john

Senior Member
Leesburg, VA
1. Have it calibrated
2. have you correlated this with factory production.
3. Have you monitored the main service to see how volts and amperage graphs?
4. I never hesitate to question my test procedures and my equipment, if something seems strange it usually is one of the two mentioned. Though every so often I get some strange electrical data.
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