An old story...

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As I am now addicted to the grounding post here's one for you all. I was replacine a 100 amp transfer switch an Kohler 30KW generator at Dirac building at FSU. It fed asub panel two floors up and the elevator controller. I built the new service right next to the old to eliminate down time. When I got ready to change over I had the 1200 amp main switch de-energized and tapped ABC busses. It was then that I noticed there was no neutral and no ground going to the sub panel. Only three phase conductors. The panel had several single phase circuits. I did an amp reading before I built the new service. A=14,B=23,C=18...I can only assume that the emt was carrying the unbalanced load. I glad I didn't break the emt connection while I was building or I would probably be dead. Check and re-check. Live by it.
E.C. said:
As I am now addicted to the grounding post here's one for you all. I was replacine a 100 amp transfer switch an Kohler 30KW generator at Dirac building at FSU. It fed asub panel two floors up and the elevator controller. I built the new service right next to the old to eliminate down time. When I got ready to change over I had the 1200 amp main switch de-energized and tapped ABC busses. It was then that I noticed there was no neutral and no ground going to the sub panel. Only three phase conductors. The panel had several single phase circuits. I did an amp reading before I built the new service. A=14,B=23,C=18...I can only assume that the emt was carrying the unbalanced load. I glad I didn't break the emt connection while I was building or I would probably be dead. Check and re-check. Live by it.
I was doing a panel upgrade in a bank one saturday Two 40 ckt 200 a 3 phase . I go to start stripping the panel out and I notice 80 ckts only 3 neutrals. I called my boss over to look and he couldnt believe it either. I started looking behind pictures hung and found the original panel used as splice box with all the neutrals in it so we had to come back annother overtime saturday to fix the neutrals the next weekend.
It's carzy what some people did over time. I did alot of work at FSU and you wouldn't believ (or maybe you would???) the crap I have found. How about when they lost the neutral in the slab/// "just run some romex over to the next jbox and pick it up". Classiic...Also the electrician that worked in one building never wondered why 225 main kept tripping. Just kept reseting it. Then for some reason the panel blew out of the wall. Who woulda thunk it?
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