Annex C conduit,tubing, and cable tray fill tables wrong page directions on 2023 nec book

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Dallas Tx
Journeyman Electrician
So i boght the 2023 Nec book back on august this year 2023 directly from NFPA website and the problem that i found out is that on annex C page 773 where you look for the conduit fill tables they give you the page #where to go but if you actualy go to that page is wrong there is np table there but on the 2020 NEC book it is right so i just want to ppint that out in case if some of you guys saw this problem too because i think that is problem from nfpa at the time of printing i called them once i noticed the problem but they told me to check on theyre webside to see if is under review and i checked already but is not so can yall check ya'lls book and let me know if is normal or also call NFPA and ask them so they can fix the problem if is one thanks
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