Annex C

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It was redone for the 2014-- there were mistakes in it. I redid them and sent them in but I saw a few places where #8 wire just has dashes.... Not sure what happened- them or me.. The 2014 should follow it exactly
So Annex C for the 2011 Code is a crap shoot? :) So upon taking an examination for a licensing agency would one use annex C?

Well yes and no. Annex C is really not part of the code and is there for convenience however when the Table was done many many years ago there was an error just in one area. Table C! is mislabeled on the first page for the bottom 4 Conductor types. The TW section should be TW, THHW/THW/ THW-2. The section under that should be RHH/RHW/RHW-2 so delete the others that have the "THHW etc" in them. Same is true for the next 2 sections--

As far as I know that should be the only errors. These tables did not have all conductor types just the more commonly used ones. When I did it I got all the conductor types in Table 5 to the point of absurdity-- you can see in T. C.8 you can install 4486 KF-1 18 gauge conductors in 6 " RMC-- I am sure that will be used often.. :lol:
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I spent about 8 hours on those tables and got the same wrong answers as they did until I finally realized their error. They opted to use the entire Tables that I made.
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