Another detached structure question

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Senior Member
Currently in NJ
I've read a number of threads on this topic but I don't believe any quite cover my question. Lets say you are using a 6 space or even smaller panel, code says a detached structure needs a disconnect with a minimum rating of 60amps, however, what if you are only installing 6 or less circuits? Could you just come right out of the ground, enter the structure and feed the MLO panel and not have to back feed a 60a breaker or use some other type of disconnect?
Yes, 225.33(A) permits up to 6 switches or sets of circuit breakers to be used as the disconnecting means required by 225.31.

225.36 may be a factor to consider as well... the listing of the MLO panel may require the use of a main breaker to qualify it as service equipment.

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