Another Sub Panel or New Service

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At what point do you suggest to the HO it's time for a new service? Just this week I looked at 2 jobs that I thought were service nightmares.

The first job was a paper quote for an addition including 100 amp sub panel. I noted the price was subject to room in main panel to feed sub. When I looked at the main it was a 200amp QO 40/40 panel with 46 cts and almost every breaker had 2 wires under the lugs. This one I managed to delete some old cts and moved others to sub panel during the remodel.

The second job was to move a meter socker around the corner of the house for an addition and that panel was an older main fuse 200 QO 40 with 43 circuits plus a 20 space 100 amp sub with 37 cts. Between the 2 panels I counted about a dozen tandem breakers where copper wire was used as handle ties. I suggested that since they'll need panel room for what ever they do in the addition they should think about a 400 amp service using a pair of QO 40's. The HO wants 2 quotes, one to just move socket and add another 100amp subpanel for future and a price for new 400amp service.
WirenutGP said:
I suggested that since they'll need panel room for what ever they do in the addition they should think about a 400 amp service using a pair of QO 40's.

Do a load calculation to see what size service they will need. The number of circuits doesn't really make any difference. I have been in homes where a lot of the circuits were not being used ( old dedicated circuits for window units, four circuits for a shop in the basement that's not being used ). If you do the load calculation you can show the homeowner why they need a larger service.
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