Another Unnecessary Death

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Senior Member
A friend of mine was electrocuted today. He was a town DPW worker who was helping the town electrician fix a street light that was not operating. I do not know all of the particulars, but one thing is:
The metallic pole handhole was situated between the opening of a metal railing on a bridge (about 6-8 inches of clearance. I will know more tomorrow or the day after.
He was 29 years young and had his life in front of him.
this goes to show that a little knowledge of electric can be very dangerous.


Staff member
Retired Electrician
Re: Another Unnecessary Death

Pierre, I'm sorry to hear this, my condolences to his family, friends, and yourself.



Senior Member
Re: Another Unnecessary Death

Pierre, My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your friends family today.
Re: Another Unnecessary Death

Iam so sory to hear about this, and the least we can do for him is learn from the mistakes. I think any electrician would want people to wake up and at least learn the inportance of knowlege, and safety form teir misfortune.
Sory once agian, and let his family and freinds know they are in our prayers.

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Another Unnecessary Death

Thank you for letting us share your grief and pain. Know that we are with you.


Senior Member
Re: Another Unnecessary Death

Very sorry to hear about your friend.

When you get more details please post them.. I for one read this forum to learn. I have changed many aspects of my designs based on what I have learned here. If we can learn from this tragedy, maybe we can take steps to prevent it from happening to others.


EC, Westchester, New York NEC: 2014
Hawthorne, New York NEC: 2014
Re: Another Unnecessary Death

Read about it in the paper this morning. He is going to be missed by many, what a tragedy.

I'm also interested in knowing what happened, keep us posted.



Senior Member
Re: Another Unnecessary Death

Thank you all for the responses.

We all read and hear about electrocution or other means of death in our industry from afar, but this is much different when you know who it is, how it affects the community, his family and you attend his wake.

My friends (who also knew Charlie) always thought I was a little "overboard' with my safety "speeches", now they are thinking a little differently.

I have heard some different stories as to exactly what happened, when I know, I will post it.

One other item.
He was electrocuted with 120v. Most people cannot believe that this voltage could actually kill him. One common statement has been; "But I have 120 volts in my house, you mean that could kill me too?"

Electricity has generally been so safe, that most people do not think that household electricity can kill them.

[ August 09, 2005, 11:58 PM: Message edited by: pierre ]


Senior Member
Ft.Worth, T.X.
Re: Another Unnecessary Death

I was sorry to hear about your friend Pierre. I only recently purchased a pair of hot gloves. I take working with electricity more seriously now then I did in my 20's. I guess even with the right PPE accidents still happen. Not being able to see electricity makes our trade I think one of the most dangerous. Thanks for telling us about your friend. I know for me it will make me slow down and think a little more the next time Im working on something energized.
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