Ansul system controller a motor controller?

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Senior Member
Raleigh NC
On the restaurant I'm working on, the inspector is wanting me to install a three phase disconnect ahead of the control box for the hood / fire suppression system. 120V power for the exhaust and make-up air fan as well as the power for the lights are all routed through this box to a set of contactors that turn power on/off if the fire suppression system goes off.

I have never had an inspector call the control box a motor controller and require this before. Agree / Disagree with this call?
On the restaurant I'm working on, the inspector is wanting me to install a three phase disconnect ahead of the control box for the hood / fire suppression system. 120V power for the exhaust and make-up air fan as well as the power for the lights are all routed through this box to a set of contactors that turn power on/off if the fire suppression system goes off.

I have never had an inspector call the control box a motor controller and require this before. Agree / Disagree with this call?

Did he give a reason or site a code?? I have an AHJ that requires a shunt trip for the entire kitchen, except lights, on a suppression alarm, but it's a local amendment.
The system requires a manual reset. It must shut off make up air and all gas and electric under the hood that would provide heat to the protected appliances. The lights do not have to shut down nor should the exhaust fan. This is based on the IBC and IFC which will direct you to 2009 NFPA 17 and 17a. In 17 look at sections 9.3 to 9.7. In 17A section 5.3.3 and other sections.
Disagree, because it's never been an issue for me, but it may be accurate. I'd ask about installing three breaker lock tabs instead.
If it is a motor controller then the disconnect must be within sight from the controller. There is no provision for a remote lockable disconnect for a motor controller.
Talked to the head inspector today. He said it was a NC Dept. of Insurance call about 3 or 4 years ago. Control panel for Ansul system = motor controller.

Had to add a 3 pole disconnect next to the controller to manually shut off the control circuit, make-up air circuit, and exhaust air circuit prior to the relay box. Ugh! For once, I was actually under budget on a restaurant job, and then I had to add this useless disconnect.

Looking at the definition of motor controller in 430, it's kind of iffy whether or not the control box qualifies as a motor controller, but it is done now.
On the restaurant I'm working on, the inspector is wanting me to install a three phase disconnect ahead of the control box for the hood / fire suppression system. 120V power for the exhaust and make-up air fan as well as the power for the lights are all routed through this box to a set of contactors that turn power on/off if the fire suppression system goes off.

I have never had an inspector call the control box a motor controller and require this before. Agree / Disagree with this call?

See 430.2 definition of "controller" - it must break motor circuit current

The contactors are the motor controllers, if they are in the hood control box then a disconnect must be within sight. This can be the branch circuit breaker if it is within sight.

Everything else in there is part of the "motor control circuit"
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