any good troubleshooting books out there?

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Senior Member
just on different types of problems and the right tool,meter,tracer,etc to use?thanks for your help.
Industrial Electrical Troubleshooting - Lynn Lundquist

Test Instruments - Glen Mazur
Test Instruments Application Manual - Glen Mazur

Troubleshooting and Testing Pocket Guide - Brooke Staufer and John Traister

Digital Multimeter Principles - Fluke

Trouble Shooting Electrical/Electronic Systems- Glen Mazur

Insulation Resistance Testing - Fluke

Those are a few you can start with, good luck...type all of those into and the prices are heavily discounted.
While books are important, there's nothing like good ol' intuition. Brian is hinting at it. There are four things to remember:

A) The system worked when it was new (supposedly). Something has changed at some point; you need to figure out what it is.

2) Troubleshooting is a process of elimination. Deduce the possible problems by noting the symptoms, and rule them out, easiest-to-check first.

D) Don't forget to start with the basics: try bulbs in a good lamp, make sure the plugs are plugged in, test for power at breaker terminals, etc.
electricalperson said:
one thing ive learned is that troubleshooting is easier if you understand how the system works

It's nearly impossible if you don't understand how it works. I've also found it helpful to ask the owner/operator what happened, and listen closely.
Trouble shooting in commercial or industrial has the advantage that everything is usually accessible and locatable. Troubleshooting in residential is problematic because you really seldom know how something is wired, where the conductors go or where any hidden boxes or bootleg wiring might be located.

My rule for residential troubleshooting: If I can't find the problem in 30 minutes I quit troubleshooting and immediately begin running a new circuit to the affected area bypassing and abandoning the problem circuit.

When I quote prices for troubleshooting, what people don't know is I'm actually quoting the new bypass wiring, If I can find and fix the problem, I really make some loot, If I have to run a new circuit, that's cool too because I'm getting paid for that.
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