Any one have some good links for Grocery Store Spot lights.

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Senior Member
Hello, been looking around online for some track lighting for a small market. Found there
Look like very nice lights. the problem is I also need something like these th505 45w led 3 foot track bar led; 3ft; track light bar; black finish; 30 deg. beam angle.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpf2IBhDkARIsAGVo0D1UIpnpFxsHvSnt7EgZZum3w833UaMzpmP_rgrlgASDXUJPNsWzX1gaAiJkEALw_wcB
The company that makes the head I like does not make the bar light in 120volt. They do for low voltage lighting but then I won't get the head I want.
its a small store and track will be following walking path, so track heads would light up veggies/Fruits and the bar track lights would light up the walkway. Was planning on installing them on a Two Circuit track.
Any one have any Good track Head links for Grocery stores?


EC, Westchester, New York NEC: 2014
Hawthorne, New York NEC: 2014
Lighting fixtures and such are the biggest PITA for electrical contractors. They are as much a "work of art" as functional and as such are almost completely dependent on the customer and the decor/design. That's why I stopped specifying or providing lighting fixtures early on. Designers and architects have access to lighting manufacturers that we don't- or at least know where to look for whatever will work with their latest creation.

Let them specify, you install.

Yeah, I know you are going to come back and say " there are no specifications or there is no designer/architect". Well, when that happens I just tell them I don't provide lighting fixtures.



Senior Member
It’s for my building should of clarified that.
I agree with you though. You dont really know what the customer is going to like and the ones you pick out are usually too expensive in my encounters


Senior Member
Durham, NC
Facility Maintenance Tech. Licensed Electrician
And if you can find the right ones, try matching them a year later if you need to add some. I’ve seen this with various lamps for can lights, trims & recently with LED lamps.


Senior Member
Ya, I use to like the Waffer led trims, now I went back to traditional Can Downlight since you never know in 5 years if you get get a like replacement. Most homeowners, even if they like the new Waffer LED ,once they know they might not be available in 5 years they avoid them.

Mr. Serious

Senior Member
Oklahoma, USA
Electrical Contractor
I worked in a lighting showroom for a year, but now I can't remember the brands we sold. After a quick web search, I remember Nora was one of them. But the other results I am getting right now are all either the big box stores' own brands, or unknown Chinese ones.

I seem to recall Satco made a few track light fixtures, but Nora definitely had a wide variety.

Mr. Serious

Senior Member
Oklahoma, USA
Electrical Contractor
I had written more earlier, but I guess my additional text didn't get saved.

Nuvo (listed in a link in the original post) is another brand we sold in the lighting showroom. It's actually Satco's light fixture brand, and I already said Satco.

And, a couple of questions for OP: do you want everything to be all one brand? The track and the heads? And, have you considered fluorescent? I recall when I worked for the lighting store, we had one customer that was a pastry shop, and they had track lighting with some of the halogen spotlight heads, but they also had fluorescent fixtures that went on the track, with 36" long, 54-watt, T4 fluorescent bulbs. Nowadays you may be able to get LED lights that last longer and use less power than the T4 fluorescents, but you might still check into it and see if the fluorescent ones meet your needs.

Mr. Serious

Senior Member
Oklahoma, USA
Electrical Contractor
Yes, personal chat is OK. I got a notification of something late last night but didn't check it because it was past my bedtime anyway, and I guess that was you. But we can schedule a time for later this evening or tomorrow.

Another brand I remembered last night: Cal Lighting. They were pretty big in track lighting. I think we got the actual track from them most of the time, unless someone ordered a package deal with another manufacturer. The 12V drivers in their low-voltage track heads tended to fail every once in a while, though. Not at a high rate, I'm sure it was less than 1%, but it was just enough to be annoying and make me think I should design my own drop-in replacement circuit board (because they don't sell just the driver board, you have to buy a whole new track head).
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