Anyone contacted by Dish Network to be an installer?

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Senior Member
We were contacted by DN to see if we wanted to be "Official Retailers." I told them that I heard that you're lucky if you can average $25/hour on their installs and they said that they typically pay $250-$500 per install. I was thinking that if they really do average that, it must include equipment which we would have to purchase.

I'm curious of anyone has dealt with them and if so, how it worked out.



Senior Member
Electrician ,contractor
We were contacted by DN to see if we wanted to be "Official Retailers." I told them that I heard that you're lucky if you can average $25/hour on their installs and they said that they typically pay $250-$500 per install. I was thinking that if they really do average that, it must include equipment which we would have to purchase.

I'm curious of anyone has dealt with them and if so, how it worked out.


Oh I seriously doubt they will pay 250-500 a install. You need to watch out. If the costomer complains and they call the 800 number any tech could be sent out. If that tech says it was the problem of the previous install they take that out of your pay. This is what I have heard.


Senior Member
Don't know what they pay, but on the last house I did dish sends out some hillbilly to install the feeds. I had a fixture from Europe set in its shipping box with foam peanuts protecting it ( I was waiting on more chain from Europe before I could install it) and he fell on it , kicked it, or drop a tool on it broke the glass. The GC tells him he needs to pay for this and they would need his insurance carrier, don't think my insurance will cover this was his reply. Now the question is will the parent company cover this if he is a independant contractor.


Senior Member
I talked to a DirectTv installer at length, and he said the only way he could make $50k was to work till dark every night........

Smart $

Esteemed Member
We were contacted by DN to see if we wanted to be "Official Retailers." I told them that I heard that you're lucky if you can average $25/hour on their installs and they said that they typically pay $250-$500 per install. I was thinking that if they really do average that, it must include equipment which we would have to purchase.

I'm curious of anyone has dealt with them and if so, how it worked out.

I used to be an "authorized Dish Newtwork retailer" back in late 90's. What they told you on payout per install is likely more correct than what you heard. IIRC, you have to purchase the equipment up front (i.e. the base system and extra receivers only) and then you are reimbursed when it is sold... and you have to remember you'll likely be working on a typical 30-day business account. The other necessary parts and material (such as cable, ground blocks, connectors, ground-mount poles, phone line adapters and such, etc.) are not reimbursed, so that comes out of the $250-500 along with your other operating expenses.

I found the largest expense to be advertising. Dish has an advertising cost offest program, in which they used to pay half the cost of "approved" advertising... but as I recall the split is based on results, rather than the actual cost.

Physically, I was fast enough to do up to four installs a day... but I didn't make anywhere near that many sales on average... and when I was out installing I missed potential sales calls. In my area there is a lot of competition, to much for me to do it as a viable one-man business. Its pretty much a keep up with the big dogs or stay on the porch kind of thing.

All-in-all, it wouldn't be too bad though if you had a minimal storefront (possibly required nowadays) and ways to "advertise" cheaply while not being your sole source of income. I managed to live off it for a couple years... but around here those days are gone. May be different elsewhere, especially with the conversion to digital format, which reception distance is more limited, and more HD channels becoming available.
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