Anyone using the "Swing Saw"?

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Senior Member
Right here.
I'm sort of a gadget guy, and I'm always on the lookout for new tools and gadgets that will make my life easier. I was on Seatek's website (the RotoSplit people), and noticed they have a new gadget they call the "swing saw". It's sort of a robogrip pliers thing combined with a hacksaw.

I thought I'd ask to see if anyone's using one, and how do you like it? It's so weird, that I felt I should ask a bit before I sprang for 40 bucks in case it sucked.
Re: Anyone using the "Swing Saw"?

i did notice the claim for square cutting, but the LT was bent in one direction, thus square was not likely.

I have some oddball gadgets. I also buy and sell old gadgets/tools. You can probably get your money back in 30 to 60 years. Some gadgets might even rise in value.

Re: Anyone using the "Swing Saw"?

I thought the 18 v. Mil sawzall was the best handheld cutter for emt, just the right weight and speed and power. Probably near best handheld for most others. (have the 24v Bosch, too big and grabby for easy one hand use).

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