Apartmant Building witn ground floor Parking Garage

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Ragin Cajun

Senior Member
Upstate S.C.
Working on a project that has a ground floor parking garage with two floors of apartments above.

Because the garage is built into a small hill, it has two 25 HP exhaust fans to be sure CO doesn't become an issue. One side is fully "open".

My question: Do the exhaust fans require to be generator backed up? Code reference(s) please if a generator is required. The owners will need hard evidence of any requirement for a generator.

Personally, I think it's required, but . . .


This will not be found in the NEC, not sure exactly which code it would be in if it is a requirement. Probably either building or mechanical codes though. Then you need to know which codes are enforced in that location as well. Even if code containing this requirement is not enforced, you may want to bring the idea up as it does create potential future liability issues for the owner.

How big is this garage, 25HP fan seems big especially if one side is already open.
A previous garage was 72' x 270' and had 2 - 15 HP blowers.

This one is 72' x 375' so I assumed larger and used 25 HP. Perhaps 20 HP will be closer, don't have the HVAC input yet. Parks about 50 cars plus lobby, stairs, elevator, electrical room, and three commercial spaces in the garage envelope.

Project this size probably went through the planning/building department. Did they say anything? It is not on the plans? Ask the fire marshal or the building department.
The requirement for mechanical ventilation comes from the building code. That code should also tell you if that generator is required.
We are in the design phase so nothing yet to the AHJ. I have asked the mechanical guys to give me a reading on the mech code.

I want a generator to get rid of the many battery packs.


We are in the design phase so nothing yet to the AHJ. I have asked the mechanical guys to give me a reading on the mech code.

I want a generator to get rid of the many battery packs.



What are the "many battery packs" for, e-lights?

The exhaust fans should be tied into a CO monitoring system to kick on when the CO level goes above the set point. If the monitoring system also has an alarm function to alert occupants of elevated CO levels you may not need an emergency generator. I'm not aware of anything in the life safety code (NFPA 101) that would require either an emergency or standby generator for those fans, but in my opinion it would be a good idea. Of course, I'm not paying for it ;).
We have all the CO monitors to turn on the fans and alarm at higher level in the office via the FAS.

The garage is 375' long and ~ 72' deep overall. Not all the space is parking.

If nothing else, I'm looking for a justification for the generator.

I don't want to stir the pot in my name by "asking" the AHJ.

Thanks, all,

I am not sure that you have an "open parking garage". 406.3.2 of the IBC defines it as having openings on two or more sides that meet the requirements of 406.3.3.1

If you do not meet the definition of open parking garage you have an enclosed parking garage and it would need to be ventilated in accordance with the International Mechanical Code section 403 , table 403.3, and section 404, making it a NEC 701 legally required standby system.

This is assuming the area in which you live has adopted these codes. All references are from the 2009 IBC and 2009 IMC.
It is also only my opinion.:)
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