Apartment buildings NM cable and 334.10 confusion

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Industrial Maintenance Electrician
Industrial process repair/ maintenance Electrician
let's say you have a brick apt building wooden stud so i believe thatqualifies for TYPE3-4-5 so NM is allowed in the individual units correct?

Assume each unit has a panel and the cabling comes from the main and hits each unit from a hallway with a suspended ceiling. Is NM or SE feed ok to feed the in unit panel? this is where i become confused
Yes, permissible in types 3,4, and 5

334.12(A)(2) permits it in multi-family dwellings.

But…. I have seen AHJs not allow it in the common areas/hallways with drop ceilings because it was outside the dwellings.

It was allowed everywhere in the type 5 construction and Units, but if it was to be exposed in a common area and/or hallway drop ceiling, another wiring methods had to be used.

Ask your AHJ
Yes, permissible in types 3,4, and 5

334.12(A)(2) permits it in multi-family dwellings.

But…. I have seen AHJs not allow it in the common areas/hallways with drop ceilings because it was outside the dwellings.

It was allowed everywhere in the type 5 construction and Units, but if it was to be exposed in a common area and/or hallway drop ceiling, another wiring methods had to be used.

Ask your AHJ
Thank you I think this is one of those subject to interpretation. I think word for word it should be OK code wise but???????
Yes, permissible in types 3,4, and 5

334.12(A)(2) permits it in multi-family dwellings.

But…. I have seen AHJs not allow it in the common areas/hallways with drop ceilings because it was outside the dwellings.

It was allowed everywhere in the type 5 construction and Units, but if it was to be exposed in a common area and/or hallway drop ceiling, another wiring methods had to be used.

Ask your AHJ
On my 2017 Mike Holt DVDs they address for dwelling units it being ok. But also spoke of a Hampton Inn (dwelling unit) wired all Romex being a problem with an inspector and he did not mention the final resolution
Also depends on local codes. The company I was with previously, did hotels. The local code prohibited NM, but it was an extended stay type, and we were able to call it “Transient housing”, so it did not fall under the nm prohibition. City of Atlanta at one time required type AC in dwellings many years ago.
Also depends on local codes. The company I was with previously, did hotels. The local code prohibited NM, but it was an extended stay type, and we were able to call it “Transient housing”, so it did not fall under the nm prohibition. City of Atlanta at one time required type AC in dwellings many years ago.
Thank you for your input
It can't be exposed in drop ceilings due the the restriction from 338.10B(4) a 1. That refers you to 334.12 A 2.
I disagree. It is allowed in one family, two family and multi family dwellings.
Article 100 defines multi family dwelling as a building that contains 3 or more dwelling units.

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