Apartment Complex Grounding and Bonding

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I have stumbled into an apartment complex with 40 meters/100A 240V breakers with feeders headed to each apartment 100A apartment panel. In the room there are three “main disconnect” switches that divide and shut off 10-20 meters. We are swapping the old house panel out but bonding with the EGC happened in this panel and no ground wire pulled into “main disconnect” where I’m sure the utility is entering (There is a meters between the house panel and “main disconnect”) that disconnect the bonding happens to all GEs with 600A Fuses. Also none of the feeder( to individual apartments) ground wire goes there. Is this a utility (meter) disconnect or a service disconnect? Can I bond in my new 200A house panel and use neutral back to “main disconnect”? Thanks
i am a little confused, perhaps a drawing would help. I am not clear enough on what is going on to say where the service disconnect(s) are but you will need to figure that out. A metal raceway, cabinet, or wireway can be used and is fine as an EGC.
Idk how. But I’ve got 3 main disconnects that feed 3 different meter banks with 100A breakers that feed each unit. One disconnect also feeds a house panel with a 200A Main Breaker. I’m swapping that panel. In that panel all the EGCs have been bonded with the neutral. However in the “main disconnects” all of the grounding electrode stuff has been bonded and the main disconnect is fused. So I assume I have service entrance conductors at my 200A main breaker and not feeders because it’s my first means of disconnect post meter and all the bonding in the 600A disconnect is utility
Idk how. But I’ve got 3 main disconnects that feed 3 different meter banks with 100A breakers that feed each unit. One disconnect also feeds a house panel with a 200A Main Breaker. I’m swapping that panel. In that panel all the EGCs have been bonded with the neutral. However in the “main disconnects” all of the grounding electrode stuff has been bonded and the main disconnect is fused. So I assume I have service entrance conductors at my 200A main breaker and not feeders because it’s my first means of disconnect post meter and all the bonding in the 600A disconnect is utility
So there are three+one service disconnects? After that the conductors are feeders and require an EGC.
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