Power is coming underground up into a 600 amp. 2 pole fused disconnect. From the load side of this switch power goes into r/t gutter where it is pdb'd and feeds nine meter cans with 100 amp. disconnects beneath each meter. From each 100 amp. disconnect a #2/3 with #4 ground SER cable goes to a apartment. One of the meters is for the house. In each disconnect the ground and neutrals are seperated. A 1/0 grounding electrode conductor goes from the ground rod to the ground lug in the 600 amp. disconnect and then to the r/t gutter where it is attached to mechanical lug, and then (6) #6 have been taken to each meter sockets neutral terminal as per the electric utility's requirements. The grounding conductor is bonded to the neutral in the 600 amp. disconnect. Don't I now have a dual bonding situation? Is this safe and or legal?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.