Re: Apartment feeders
Don, I do not disagree that the neutral of a 208y/120 when associated with a 208/120 1ph feeder carries approximately the same current as the phase conductors. I do not disagree that article 310-15(b)(6) specifically applies to 120/240 1p3w systems. My though is this article allows for the reduced loads associated with residential demands and thus is allowing for the reduction of the conductor size in feeders that supply the total dwelling load. Even if the neutral were to carry the same load as the phase conductor, if that load reaches the max, the breaker trips since the neutral and phase loads are approximately the same. Is it possible to overload a neutral conductor that is the same size as the phase conductors? Residential loads are typically not where you would find harmonics being an issue on the neutral and if you had a 100amp feeder that actually eached 101 amps would'nt the neutral and phase conductor see the same current and the breaker trip? If you than had multiple feeders to dwellings and they were balanced across the 3ph4w main the service neutral would carry current based on a 3ph4w load. I guess the question I have is, can you unbalance the load enough to overload the neutral of either a feeder or service main without tripping a breaker?
[ October 02, 2003, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: grant ]