Apartment ground choice

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New member
I'm at my parents home on Vacation. They have a small studio apartment that they wanted me to extend a feed from the house main box to it so they can rent it. The Apartment already have wiring and a small main box with it's own ground rod. It just don't have any connection from the power company. I was going to extent from the House main using single phase wiring , one hot , one neutral and a ground. My question is can I have the two different grounds in the same box? If not which should I keep?

Re: Apartment ground choice

Frank, seeing how this is a rental, a Licensed Electrical Contractor should perform this work.

Re: Apartment ground choice

I am closing this topic, in accordance with the Forum?s rules. This Forum is for professional electricians, inspectors, engineers, and other members of the electrical industry. Although your member profile states that you have some involvement in this industry, your question makes it clear that you are planning to perform electrical work at a relative?s home, and that you are not an electrician. Therefore, we are not permitted to provide you with ?how-to? assistance.

Just so you don't feel that you are being treated unfairly, let me tell you that I am a licensed PE in 8 states, that I have both BS-EE and MS-EE degrees, and that I do not feel qualified to perform the work you are describing. I have already put the membership on notice that if they ever catch me asking ?how-to? questions related to work I wanted to perform on my own home, they have my permission to decline to give me that kind of help.

You are most welcome to participate in this Forum. You may well find it to be a great learning opportunity. But we cannot help you perform you own electrical work. It is just not safe for us to do so, because we don?t know how much you do know, and what questions you should be asking but haven?t asked yet.
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