Apartments running NM (romex) through rooms to another room

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I have a project where they're converting a hotel to an apartment building. Each room will be getting a new kitchen with new appliances and therefore wire will be run from a central location where the panels are located. The electrician wants to build a soffit to run wires through the rooms to drop wire as needed for each room.

Is there a code issue running through the rooms? Or should they run the wires in the corridor? The soffit will be hard lid and non-accessible. Romex is run in the building already.
I have a project where they're converting a hotel to an apartment building. Each room will be getting a new kitchen with new appliances and therefore wire will be run from a central location where the panels are located. The electrician wants to build a soffit to run wires through the rooms to drop wire as needed for each room.

Is there a code issue running through the rooms? Or should they run the wires in the corridor? The soffit will be hard lid and non-accessible. Romex is run in the building already.
If it was in the corridor it would have to be above the drywall cieling and not a drop cieling. I know some corridors are built with drywall way up high for fire protection and then the drop cieling about 3 ft below that.
Is Romex allowed in commercial establishments? I thought not.
Won't each apartment have to have it's own panel??
If there are elevators, are there elevator lobbies with doors that close them off in case of fire? (not an electrical issue, except the auto-closers).
Might need to consider fire code issues as occupancy type changes are happening.
Is Romex allowed in commercial establishments? I thought not.
Depending on structure class type. NEC 334.10(2)
Won't each apartment have to have it's own panel??
Each occupant has to have access, not necessarily in each unit. 240.24(B)
If there are elevators, are there elevator lobbies with doors that close them off in case of fire? (not an electrical issue, except the auto-closers).
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