Appliance rating, maximum permissible

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New member
I have a confusing NEC question.
I have an air compressor and a microwave oven that are rated over 12 amps and have a 15-amp plug. They are UL listed. UL seems to say that this is OK because they are not "continuous" loads (3 hours or more).
The NEC indicates the requirements for overcurrent protection (Section 210-20) for branch circuit wiring and permits the concept on continuous and noncontinuous loads to influence the loading of these wires. The overcurrent protection is based on 100 percent of noncontinuous loads and 80 percent of continuous loads. The NEC indicates requirements for loading specific circuits based on the receptacle and branch circuit rating (Section 210-23) that does not take into account continuous and noncontinuous loads when 2 or more receptacles are connected to the branch circuit. Table 210-21 indicates the maximum loads permitted (12 amps for a 15-amp rated branch circuit).
Because the section 210-20 says conductors and equipment (the definition of equipment includes appliances) there seems to be a conflict between these sections.
How is this resolved and why does UL list and inspectors accept products rated for more than 12 amps with a 15 amp plug?

Donald P Grob

Edited to remove E-mail address.

[ October 04, 2005, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: ryan_618 ]


Staff member
Re: Appliance rating, maximum permissible

I think I can help out here.

(2) Total Cord-and-Plug-Connected Load. Where connected to a branch circuit supplying two or more receptacles or outlets, a receptacle shall not supply a total cord-and-plug-connected load in excess of the maximum specified in Table 210.21(B)(2).
The table only applies to receptacles on a multi outlet circuit.

The cord and plug connected load to a dedicated receptacle can be 100% of the circuit size.

Of course these appliances get plugged into multi outlets circuits all the time.


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: Appliance rating, maximum permissible

Also take a look at 210.23- which states that "An individual branch circuit shall be permitted to supply any load for which it is rated".

So unless it's a continuos load the circuit could be carrying 100% of it capacity.
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