Appling 220.44 to 220.14(I)+(H) loads

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New member
Can receptacle loads 220.14(I) and multi-outlet loads 220.14(H) be added prior to demand factor 240.44 being applied?
Is this Example correct?:
A commercial occupancy has a receptade load of 15,300
volt-amperes and a fixed multioutlet assembly load of 4860.
The total receptade load is 20,160 volt-amperes. First, subtract
10,000 from the total receptade load (20,160 -10,000
= 10,160). Next, multiply the remainder by 50% (10,160 x
50% = 5080). Finally, add the result back to the original
10,000 volt-amperes (5080 + 10,000 = 15,080).
Welcome to the forum.:)

Can receptacle loads 220.14(I) and multi-outlet loads 220.14(H) be added prior to demand factor 240.44 being applied?

Yes, take a look at 220.44.

Receptacle loads calculated in accordance with 220.14(H) and (I) shall be permitted to be made subject to the demand factors given in Table 220.42 or Table 220.44.

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