I am applying for my P.G. county license in maryland and my Washington D.C. license. I have been doing electrical work with Local 26 for over 5 years. Being that I am an apprentice I transfer to new companys each year. I got my current employer to sign off with his master and bussiness license number, but sine it only verifies that I have been working for his company for a year and half do I need all my previous employers to sign off for me too? or since my previous employers are on my application with addresses is that sufficient?
your local union should be able to provide you with a history of
every employer you have ever been dispatched to, and your pension
records should show the hours worked by month.
most locals have a form ready to supply for their members with the
correct wording to make the state shut up and just give you the test....
ask the nice lady behind the window. she really runs the office, not
the BA.... :wink:
california is different than many states, as there is no masters classification
here, it's simply a JW, and that is licensed, but there is currently no
enforcement or penalties, so it's a pretty toothless law.....
after 4 years as a JW, you can test for a C-10, electrical contractors license.