Applying voltage drop to a motor calculation, wanting to find wire size.
VD formula, single phase, finding Circular Mils.
CM=2xKxIxD divided by total voltage drop.
When I use this formula, what number would I put in for amperage? The FLC of the motor nameplate, or would I use the motor tables in the code?
Also how would I apply the 125% to the conductors for sizing the wire.
I have always been able to find the voltage drop for a ckt, but I have never applied it to a motor. I can?t seem to find anything in the code to give me some direction.
Single phase, 5hp motor, 115E, 52I FLC. 110 feet away. Copper
K = 12.9, constant for copper wire
I = 52 FLA motor nameplate, or 56I, table 430.148
D= 110 feet
VD=115Ex.03% drop max. 3.45
Using both load current numbers, the wire is a #3 AWG, but what load would I use, nameplate or table, and where is it in the code, if at all.
Also, it would appear that I found the circ mils for a conductor at 100% of the full load, (52 I nameplate, 56I table) regardless of what figure I use.
430.22 tells me to take 125% of the full load current to size the conductor. So I am just a bit confused. Just hoping somebody can help me get my mind wrapped around this one.
VD formula, single phase, finding Circular Mils.
CM=2xKxIxD divided by total voltage drop.
When I use this formula, what number would I put in for amperage? The FLC of the motor nameplate, or would I use the motor tables in the code?
Also how would I apply the 125% to the conductors for sizing the wire.
I have always been able to find the voltage drop for a ckt, but I have never applied it to a motor. I can?t seem to find anything in the code to give me some direction.
Single phase, 5hp motor, 115E, 52I FLC. 110 feet away. Copper
K = 12.9, constant for copper wire
I = 52 FLA motor nameplate, or 56I, table 430.148
D= 110 feet
VD=115Ex.03% drop max. 3.45
Using both load current numbers, the wire is a #3 AWG, but what load would I use, nameplate or table, and where is it in the code, if at all.
Also, it would appear that I found the circ mils for a conductor at 100% of the full load, (52 I nameplate, 56I table) regardless of what figure I use.
430.22 tells me to take 125% of the full load current to size the conductor. So I am just a bit confused. Just hoping somebody can help me get my mind wrapped around this one.