I understand the 2014 requires Arc Fault Protection almost everywhere. He did not fail us for the 2014 code. He said they are enforcing this code since 2009. The inspector, yes the same one that failed us for water heater/ sump receptacle, different thread), failed us for not having ACI protection for the Garage/ laundry circuit, the bathroom lighting circuit, and the basement lighting. His quote from the code...."bedrooms, closets, and similar areas". You store stuff in a garage and basement, so it's like a closet. That's what he told me.
So it went on for a while.
I finally said so that's your interpretation.
He said there is no interpretation. Generally, arc faults are needed for a closet. What's in a closet besides a light? Usually nothing. So if the code requires AFI for a closet, it requires it in any room or space there is a light.
That is his explanation.
And again, he passed our houses before for not having this.
So it went on for a while.
I finally said so that's your interpretation.
He said there is no interpretation. Generally, arc faults are needed for a closet. What's in a closet besides a light? Usually nothing. So if the code requires AFI for a closet, it requires it in any room or space there is a light.
That is his explanation.
And again, he passed our houses before for not having this.