Arc Fault Receptacle

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A/A Fuel GTX

Senior Member
Does anyone make an arc fault receptacle along the lines of a GFI that would protect all receptacles downstream?
I've not seen any yet. That doesn't mean that some manufacuturer is not making them. I tend to think they are not being made due to the fact that the code requires the entire branch circuit to have AFCI protection.
Does anyone make an arc fault receptacle along the lines of a GFI that would protect all receptacles downstream?

Keep in mind that unlike GFCIs the circuit must be AFCI protected not just the receptacles.

When you can get them you will have to run metal raceway or cable from the panel to the AFCI device.
Pass & Seymour has some. Well, officially they don't.

Back when AFCIs were first required, all the major manufacturers started doing R&D on AFCI receps. Then the code changed, and it required all outlets (not just the receps) to be AFCI protected. They all dropped the AFCI recep and opted for the AFCI breaker.

I have heard anecdotal rumors that P&S still has some old AFCI receps sitting around from those days. Of course, they would not be the combo type required today. But it would be fun to get ahold of some of 'em.
Arc fault Receptacle

Arc fault Receptacle

Although NEC 210.12(B) exception no. 1 allows for the use of a combination arc fault at the first outlet, to protect itself and all the other outlets downstream, when the branch circuit conductors are installed in metallic conduit. And UL has a catagory for such AFCI receptacles in their whitebook, but no company to date that I know of manufactures them.
If you were to follow the 2011 code changes, you will see that we might be using them when doing a receptacle replacement in an are that requires AFCI.
It would be, but as mentioned in Post #4 and #6, the metallic raceway requirement doesn't make them too practical.
The biggest advantage I could see is to pipe (or MC) one in at an older manufacturer panel where AFCI breakers aren't available, but that demand must not justify manufacturing.
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